While looking at the name given to these reptiles “dragon,” you may have assumed that they are at the top of the food pyramid. However, facts are bit different and you may be surprised to read that bearded dragons are the favorite meal of many animals and birds due to their small size in the wild. But how about captive bearded dragons. Do they also have to face the threat of predation or are they completely safe?
Not only wild animals like birds of prey, foxes, different types of snakes, and dingoes enjoy eating bearded dragons, your or neighbor’s house cats can also prey on your bearded reptile.
Now you may have realized that how crucial it is for a beardie’s owner to know what animals can prey on your bearded dragon. So, continue reading this comprehensive guide about bearded dragon’s predators, because if you know the potential predators of bearded dragons, you can make better arrangements to prevent your bearded friend from becoming a meal.
5 Bearded Dragon’s Predators
Here 5 animals that eat Bearded Dragons.
1. Birds Of Prey
The term “bird of prey” is used for all the large birds included in “raptor” family, like eagles, owls, hawks, falcons, kites, etc. These birds have big, strong talons (claws), and strong bills (beaks), can fly amazingly high, and have super eyesight to see small prey from the sky. All these features enable these birds to fly without being detected, high above the prey and when it’s the right time, they dive sharply and convert a live prey into pieces of flesh within a few seconds. Birds of prey are so skilled in hunting that bearded dragons or other reptiles are rarely able to escape their attacks. Therefore they are considered the most successful and dangerous among all the predators of bearded dragons.
Furthermore, birds of prey are not restricted to Australia, these birds are found all over the globe. So no matter where you live in the world, the possibility of attack by birds of prey cannot be ignored. So every time you take your bearded friend out of its vivarium, be vigilant, and never ignore if you suspect anything flying high above; because these birds dive so swiftly that your pet will be out of your reach before you realize what happened.
2. Snakes
The next potential predator of bearded dragons are snakes. Many different types of snakes are found in the land of kangaroos like coral snakes, eastern brown snakes, death adders etc. However, as a predator, if you want to enjoy a bearded dragon in your meal, you must be quick and able to approach the beardie quietly because bearded dragons are too quick and can escape in a flash. Luckily or unluckily, many such varieties of snakes found in Australia are not only the most venomous in the world but also one of the most quickest and can surprise bearded dragons with their overwhelming speed.

You may wonder how a snake can eat or swallow a bearded dragon because the mouth of a snake looks much smaller compared to average size bearded dragon. The answer lies in the specific anatomy of snakes. Snakes can move both jaws (unlike humans who can move only their lower jaw), thus enabling them to swallow bigger prey. Once a snake notices a prey, it approaches the prey swiftly but quietly and kills the animal with its venom or powerful constrictions. Then opens its jaws at full capacity, wraps its mouth around the prey’s head and the prey is pushed toward the digestive tract with the help of powerful muscles.
So, in case you own both a bearded dragon and a snake, ensure to keep them in separate containers and be extra careful that none of them may escape.
3. Large Lizards
After birds of prey and snakes, third potential predators of bearded dragons are large lizards like goannas or other monitor lizards. Among these lizards, lace Monitor, Perentie, and Yellow-spotted monitor are more prominent as beardie hunters. These lizards are not only large in size, but they also have strong limbs and claws and can move swiftly. All these characteristics enable these lizards to hunt and eat a bearded dragon without any trouble. In addition, lace monitors also have a keen sense of smell, which enables them to detect prey from a long distance. This is done by repeatedly moving their tongue in and out just like a snake.

In addition to bearded dragons, these large lizards also hunt many other animals like birds, small mammals, and other reptiles. So, it’s better never to keep these animals at home, if you have a bearded dragon (or other small pets) at home.
Since these lizards are native to Australia, you won’t have to worry about encountering them, if you don’t live in Australia. However, an exceptional incidence may occur, if someone in your neighborhood has them as pets.
4. Foxes And Dingoes
Foxes are types of felines, who may hunt alone or in a group, while Dingoes are kind of wild dogs that mostly hunt in groups. Both foxes and dingoes are large and powerful and can convert the majority of the Australian wildlife into their meals with ease, with the help of their lethal claws, powerful jaws, and sharp teeth. In addition, dingoes are restricted to Australia and you rarely find them in other parts of the world. Foxes, on the other hand, are found in all parts of the world.
5. Common House Cats

Don’t be surprised, if I say common house cats can also prey on bearded dragons. Yes, cats are quick and smart, have long, strong, and sharp teeth and claws, and can follow beardies inside narrow places, where other large predators can’t reach. All these traits make cats perfect beardie’s hunters. In fact in suburban areas of Australia, people keep cats to keep different wild pests (including bearded dragons) from damaging their crops, lawn or other households.
So if you own both a cat and a beardie , make sure that beardie’s vivarium is out of the reach of your kitty and never leave your bearded dragon out of its tank, unattended.
We hope you have learned a lot from this article about the potential predators of bearded dragons. Naturally, when you know about the threat, you can manage it well beforehand.