Every responsible bearded dragon owner can feel how their bearded friend may feel while living in a small enclosure, especially when they know that bearded dragons belong to the open deserts of Australia. They frequently ask how they can provide necessary physical and mental stimulation to their bearded friends to avoid boredom due to the monotony of their enclosures and keep them happy. Taking your bearded dragon out of the tank and allowing him to move around the house is a great idea, but the question is, “can you let your bearded dragon roam in the house” “is it safe for a bearded dragon to roam freely in the house” or “do bearded dragons really like to roam in the house?” etc.
To end your curiosity, “YES,” you can allow your bearded dragon to move around in the house and have a good time. However, allowing them to roam around unsupervised is not recommended. Because allowing your pet to move around and explore a new environment, (especially in the presence of kids and other pets) can pose some difficulties.
Do Bearded Dragons Really Like To Roam The House?
Although bearded dragons are used to roaming around in open spaces in the wild conditions, things are different regarding captivity. Since, in captivity, beardies are kept in a small tank from day one of their life, so they become accustomed to living in the limited habitat. So the question is, do bearded dragons really want to come out of their tank and roam around in the house? The answer mainly depends on the individual personality of your bearded friend. Some bearded dragons may not like to be handled and go away from the heat source. While others may really like to come out of their tanks and explore the world around them.
So every time you take your bearded friend out of its tanks and place it on the floor, you should observe its body language closely. And if your beardie is showing signs of stress, you should immediately put him back in the tank.
Is It Safe For A Bearded Dragon To Roam Around The House?
Yes, if your bearded dragon is daring enough and doesn’t show any stress signs (when you put them on the floor), then roaming outside their tanks is perfectly safe for him. However, you should also ensure that nothing in your house or environment poses any threat to your bearded dragon. Because your bearded friend will only enjoy roaming around only when he feels secure and believes that nothing can harm him.
Tips To Let Bearded Dragon Roam The House Safely
Let’s see how you can make your home safe for a bearded dragon to roam safely and enjoy the walk.
Limited Space
The first and the most crucial point to remember is that; never let your bearded dragon wander freely in your whole house. Although the objective of taking our bearded friend out of the tank is to provide him with an open area where he can move around freely to get some exercise and mental stimulation, we still need to delimit the space where they can roam freely. It’s crucial because you can’t make your whole house secure for your beardie, and he can get lost or hurt easily. In contrast, if you select a room or a specific place in your house, you can manage it well, and it will be easier to supervise your bearded friend.
Environmental Conditions
Before letting your bearded dragon roam in the house, it’s essential to consider the environmental conditions in your area and inside the house. It’s crucial because we know that bearded dragons are unable to regulate their body temperature and continuously depend on external heat sources to meet their heat requirements. So if it’s too cold outside for your beardie, you should not take him out of their tank. So never take your bearded friend out if the outside temperature is lower than 75 °F and humidity is above 35%.
Remove Furniture & Decorative Items
Before letting your bearded friend in the room, remove all the furniture items that can be a potential hazard for your bearded dragon. Generally, furniture items with tiny removable pieces, wheels, rocking chairs, and studio chairs with wheels can hurt your bearded friend. It will be difficult for you to find them if they hide in the narrow space under the furniture or in the slits between the furniture items.
In addition, removing decorative items from shelves and tables is also necessary because, due to their semi-arboreal nature, bearded dragons are sure to climb on shelves and tables. So these objects may fall and break, which can hurt your bearded dragon too.
Keep The Room Clean

After removing the furniture and decorative items, make sure to thoroughly clean the room where you are going to allow your bearded dragon to have some outside activity. Vacuuming is the best option because even if the room looks tidy, your bearded friend might eat small things different from food items. Ingesting things (like jewelry, coins, toy pieces, a ball of hair, etc.) can lead to impaction or many other life-threatening conditions.
Electrical Hazards
Cover all the electric boards, wires, and connections with a plastic sheet to keep your bearded friend from getting an electric shock and, on the other hand, secure your electric installments.
Keep Other Pets away

If you have other pets (like dogs, cats, etc.) at home, keeping them away when your bearded dragon is out of its tank is best. Generally, beardies and dogs or cats can go well with each other when properly socialized. However, you should never leave them unsupervised (not even for a second), regardless of how good they are with each other. In addition, if you have another bearded dragon, never take them out simultaneously. We know their solitary and territorial instinct, and obviously, we don’t want any bloodshed.
How Often & How Long Should I Take My Bearded Dragon Out?
This depends on the age and personality of the bearded dragon as well as the weather condition and mood of your bearded friend on that particular day. Generally, baby beardies should not be allowed to roam outside their tanks up to two weeks of age. As far as adult beardies are concerned, if the weather is good (temperature above 75 °F and humidity below 35%), you can take them out and let them move in the selected area 1 -2 times daily for 10 – 20 minutes. While your bearded dragons are outside, you should continuously observe their body language and if they show any signs of stress, put them back in their tanks without any delay.